GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES are the best. Kale, spinach, collards and broccoli are just a few. They can be prepared raw in salads, added to soups and casseroles or create a stir-fry. Fresh or frozen are your best bets.
As you incorporate more vegetables into your diet be sure you are eating less carbs and starchy foods. i.e.: more sauce and vegetables; less pasta.
FATTY FISH like canned tuna and fresh or frozen cod, salmon, halibut and even pollack. Other non-fishy sources of good fat are avocado, walnuts and flaxseeds.
BERRIES! Learn to eat your berries without sugar or the least amount possible. Stick to fresh or frozen berries. Studies have shown eating berries at least 3 times a week slowed memory decline.
CAFFEINE from tea and coffee attributes to good short term memory. Which is why on one hand a cup or two is good for you but too much is bad. Too much caffeine can also be disruptive to sleep. Sleep is one of the best things you can do for your brain!
WALNUTS, while nuts in general are health, walnuts specifically offer memory improvement and as mentioned above are also linked to the very healthy fatty acid omega-3.
Science shows us that inflammation in the body contributes to all sort of disease. So an anti-inflammatory diet over-all is a great defender in declining health as we age.
Further reading!